
Our Vision

For Asylum seekers and refugees to be safe, respected, supported and empowered to rebuild their lives free of persecution.

To achieve this, LASSN
runs projects that address the needs of refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants at risk of harm or exploitation in Leeds, and

raises awareness of issues facing people seeking refuge and other migrants in Leeds.

Our Vision

For Asylum seekers and refugees to be safe, respected, supported and empowered to rebuild their lives free of persecution.

To achieve this, LASSN
runs projects that address the needs of refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants at risk of harm or exploitation in Leeds, and

raises awareness of issues facing people seeking refuge and other migrants in Leeds.

What We Do

All our projects are about sharing a welcome and extending kindness and care to people seeking refuge, or recent migrants who are having a tough time.

We create opportunities for people in Leeds

to show friendship and solidarity,

to learn more about the reality of seeking asylum, and refuge,

to hold on to the hope that tomorrow can be different from today.

What We Do

All our projects are about sharing a welcome and extending kindness and care to people seeking refuge, or recent migrants who are having a tough time.

We create opportunities for people in Leeds

to show friendship and solidarity,

to learn more about the reality of seeking asylum, and refuge,

to hold on to the hope that tomorrow can be different from today.

Get Involved

LASSN is all about finding ways for people in Leeds to help folks from far away.

We are always on the look out for volunteers, fundraisers and donors, or people who want to show their support in other ways – running gigs and fundraisers, holding coffee mornings, rattling tins, running marathons, riding bikes…

We’re always keen to tap into the energy, skills, and resources of the people who share our vision.

Get Involved

LASSN is all about finding ways for people in Leeds to help folks from far away.

We are always on the look out for volunteers, fundraisers and donors, or people who want to show their support in other ways – running gigs and fundraisers, holding coffee mornings, rattling tins, running marathons, riding bikes…

We’re always keen to tap into the energy, skills, and resources of the people who share our vision.

LASSN Projects

Many refugees and asylum seekers will experience homelessness at some point.

Hosting volunteers offer a hot meal and a safe place to sleep for people who have nowhere else to turn.

Grace House and Eva House – each house four asylum seeking men who have no income, no right to work, and nowhere else to stay. During their time with us, we encourage people to use this respite from destitution to focus on improving their health, and to access casework support to resolve their immigration difficulties.

Many refugees and asylum seekers will experience homelessness at some point.

Hosting volunteers offer a hot meal and a safe place to sleep for people who have nowhere else to turn.

Grace House and Eva House – each house four asylum seeking men who have no income, no right to work, and nowhere else to stay. During their time with us, we encourage people to use this respite from destitution to focus on improving their health, and to access casework support to resolve their immigration difficulties.

Welcome and Connect

Welcome and Connect matches refugees with volunteers who support them to access specialist support, education and leisure opportunities in Leeds.

With a regular support, we hope refugees will build their confidence, and their ability to access the opportunities available to them in their new city.

Welcome and Connect

Welcome and Connect matches refugees with volunteers who support them to access specialist support, education and leisure opportunities in Leeds.

With a regular support, we hope refugees will build their confidence, and their ability to access the opportunities available to them in their new city.

English at Home

English at Home helps people learn a skill that is vital for their everyday life.

Our volunteer tutors support people seeking asylum seekers and also refugees who can’t access mainstream ESOL classes because of caring responsibilities, difficulties with physical or mental health or a variety of other reasons.

Tutors provide regular one to one lessons so that students can become more independent and confident on paper and in person.

English at Home

English at Home helps people learn a skill that is vital for their everyday life.

Our volunteer tutors support people seeking asylum seekers and also refugees who can’t access mainstream ESOL classes because of caring responsibilities, difficulties with physical or mental health or a variety of other reasons.

Tutors provide regular one to one lessons so that students can become more independent and confident on paper and in person.

Updates and New Resources

Updates and New Resources

“Meeting people from different parts of the world and cultures is always interesting and rewarding, so we get back far more than we give.”
“I feel honored to be part of such a fabulous charity.”
“Meeting new families from different parts of the world and feeling that I might help to make them establish their lives in the UK.”
“Meet interesting people from different countries and with different experiences to us enjoy welcoming people into our house and making use of the available space we have to share.”
“The opportunity to provide practical and immediate help to destitute asylum seekers who are being unjustly victimised by Government policies that I believe to be heinous.”
“Feeling useful; helping people in need; supporting a really important frontline area of work; meeting amazing people.”
“I’ve loved getting to know the person I’m befriending and her family. I feel like we’ve become genuine friends which has been really nice.”
“I feel LASSN is doing immensely valuable work and I want to be able to contribute to that work.”
“I also enjoy meeting other members and the social events.I am also very pleased to have such wonderful support from Tina and the LASSN team.”
“EAH is very well organised. The training is regular and of a high standard. I feel well supported. The resources are regularly added to.”
“Making friends with people from countries like Iraq and Somalia, listening to them, their way of seeing the world, their accent, holding one of their children on my knees while chatting to the mother.”
“My befriendees and I have a great time together and it is a superb feeling to help some one make a new life in our city.”
“Making a difference to an individual’s life, caring and helpful staff.”
“I have been working with LAASN for15 or 16 years and find it very interesting and rewarding.”
“I have learned a lot from my guests and been inspired by them.”
“The support given. The thorough workshops and tutorials offered. I like a lot of things!”
“I feel that there is an organisation behind me that knows what it is doing.”
“We have learned more about people of other countries and their plight which has underlined just how fortunate we are.”
“The opportunity to build a relationship with and support my befriendee has been invaluable for me. I have learnt so much and grown as a person as a result. Everyone at LASSN is so supportive too.”
“The chance to meet people from different backgrounds and the opportunity to expand my teaching skills.”
“I have been very impressed with LASSN as a company, and my english at home partner, who is fantastic.”
“I feel like I’m making a real difference to people, and all of the work is so well informed and ethical.”
“I only want to say how grateful I am to be able to visit Suhad from Iraq, to listen to her, bring her flowers and to be called sister by her.”
“LASSN provides an extremely important service to some of the most vulnerable people in Leeds.”
“I really enjoy supporting and helping my befriendee. It has been an enrichment to my life and am so pleased that we have such a positive relationship.”
“I was a teacher and very much enjoy teaching still. I have liked working for LASSN for 17 years.”
“Very supportive organisation. Excellent online resources. Good to feel you’re doing something of value.”
“Helping someone to learn English has the potential to make a difference to an asylum seeker or refugee’s life. Thinking of ways to do this is creative and challenging, which (selfishly) as a retired person, I need!”
“Being able to support, offer something valuable to my Befriendee… Time, knowledge and friendship.”
“I also like feeling confident that LASSN is genuinely driven by its values and that decisions are taken on this basis.”
“I have found Befriending (to be) an incredibly rewarding experience as it gave me the opportunity to build a relationship with someone who comes from a completely different background from my own and share our experiences with one another.”
“The strong feeling of support and excellent quality of training received from LASSN to enable me to carry out my volunteer role.”
“[I can] show them that there are many people who do welcome them here and want to help them feel a part of our society”
“Since first contacting LASSN with a view to volunteering I have been struck by the helpful and supportive approach of all the people who work there and how quickly you are made to feel a part of the organisation.”
“The opportunity of meeting people from different backgrounds and helping them in whatever capacity you can guided by LASSN.”
“I find befriending really enjoyable, sometimes a bit challenging and I learn a great deal.”
“Helping others learn English and making good connections with people from other nations.”
“The staff are absolutely great and give me the confidence and resources I need.”
“Meeting the people involved and knowing I am able to help guests as they cope with the system. I know it has made a difference to their lives.”
“Really great volunteer support and coordination.”

Get in Touch

22-23 Blayds Yard Leeds LS1 4AD

Get in Touch

22-23 Blayds Yard Leeds LS1 4AD
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