
About Jon Beech

I joined LASSN as the Director in December 2013. I've a particular interest in mental health, ethnicity, and helping people make sense of their world and their community.

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Refugee Week 2020 Day 1: Digital Inclusion

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2020-06-15T16:43:31+01:0015th June, 2020|

We're using Refugee Week as a way to explain how the work of LASSN has changed during Lockdown. Each day we're offering examples of how we've adapted what we do, to make sure asylum seekers and refugees and other migrants at risk of harm remain supported, empowered and integrated. How is LASSN working towards Digital Inclusion?* We try to look at Digital from the perspective of folks living in extreme poverty, who might struggle to find or to use kit for all kinds of reasons. A decision to “Go Digital” doesn’t necessarily include more people or reach those in need. Unless it’s carefully thought through, it can frequently exclude the very people you intended to help. When thinking about how we deliver our projects in non-face-to-face ways - our starting point is: “what’s the best way of building on what people already know and feel comfortable with?” This might be more phone calls to start with. It might be a WhatsApp chat. It might mean upgrading someone’s phone so they can look at the internet. It might mean building the confidence and knowledge of their volunteer, so the volunteer can suggest trying new things. We also have to work hard at planning our online contact and not just hoping things will happen naturally. If limited access to data means you have to choose between half an hour of Peppa Pig on YouTube and half an hour of Zoom call, the Zoom call has to be at least as interesting as Youtube for you AND the kids. So our contacts now assume we will be supporting not just individuals but other members of their household too. We’ve developed materials to help with this. And of course, like everything LASSN does, we put this online for free for anyone to use. We are committed to sharing our learning and make this all free and publicly available. We’ve worked with Solidaritech to distribute the tech they refurbish. This relationship has come into its own during Covid-19. Longer-term, we know we need a cross-sector structural response to digital inclusion, that takes into account the structural inequalities at play. Operation Wifi is campaigning for wifi to be made open access using existing broadband infrastructure. What support are you providing? At the start of Lockdown, we told all the people we support and all the people who support them that we would provide them with phone credit. If social distancing measures require us to limit our support to phone and video calls, we need to make sure people are connected.  We took the money we'd put aside to cover transport costs, or tea and a bun in a cafe somewhere, and provided phone-top ups instead. This has not been easy - each Network provider has their own individual systems - but we have gradually figured out the best of way of doing this. Internally, we are supporting volunteers and staff through training and peer group calls to grow confidence, share challenges and solutions to aid remote [...]

Corona virus Update for LASSN Volunteers 19th March 2020

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2020-03-20T12:32:46+00:0019th March, 2020|

LASSN's projects have closed to new referrals from 19th March 2020, in response to corona virus. We will reopen to new referrals as soon as we are able. We continue to support existing clients and volunteer matches by phone, email and and encourage all the people we support to remain in contact throughout this difficult period. Up to date information on what's happening with other projects and services can be found on We offer the following advice to volunteers "I'm currently matched..." We are recommending that volunteers stop home visits for the time being. Please do keep in contact with the person you are matched with, and let us know how you are both getting on. Here are some ways that you can keep in touch with the person you are matched with: - Video calls (eg skype, whatsapp or similar) - Phone calls - Audio messages (these might be easier for the person you are matched with because they can pause and rewind messages until they understand them) - Text messages - Post (please don't give your home address to the person you are matched with, but you can send things like learning materials in the post) - Going for a walk together (you'd need to avoid travelling by public transport and make sure that you were 2 metres apart, and in the open air) We're postponing in-person reviews until the situation changes and we'll be in touch by phone with anyone who is due for a review. "The person I support can't afford to keep their phone topped up..." LASSN would like to offer all volunteers and clients £5 each, per month  - towards the costs of staying in touch by phone, video or whatever. We are trialling this for a couple of months to see how it goes (and to work out how if we can afford it in the medium-long term).But communication is so important, it feels like the right thing to do. if you are struggling to know how to top someone's phone up, please google it, or call us for help. To claim this money back, please keep receipts/bills and other evidence of spend and submit with an expenses form. Please don't give out a fiver and then ask for the money back, because we need some kind of audit trail. Even a photo of a makeshift hand written receipt is better than nothing. "I'm worried about the person I'm matched with..." If you are worried about your learner, please get in touch with us. We're reachable by email and phone as normal ( If there is an emergency, please contact the emergency services. "This whole volunteering thing is stressing me out..." It's a really difficult time right now, and all of us are experiencing a lot of uncertainty. If you are feeling like it's getting on top of you, please get in touch with us. It's much better to talk to someone and to be kind to yourself than to soldier on quietly. [...]

Friends of LASSN Newsletter, Winter 2019

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2024-01-16T11:33:50+00:008th December, 2019|

The Winter 2019 Edition of Friends of LASSN is out, with the usual mix of good news stories, organisational developments, policy briefings and photos. Click on this link, or the image below to get started


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2020-01-30T12:53:11+00:003rd December, 2019|

This event has already happened, but we've left the post up, as a reminder of what we've done. What? LASSN is holding a party for everyone - refugees, volunteers, friends, allies, supporters, adults and children When? Thursday January 16th 2020, from 18:00 til late Where? The Holbeck Working Men's Club, Jenkinson Lawn, Leeds LS11 9QX  What else do I need to know? Booking is essential There will be food, and drinks, and music. Food will be served from 18:30 and when it's gone, it's gone. It will be family friendly, so bring everyone along It's a "pay as you feel, free is fine" event.  The venue is up a flight of stairs, although there is a chair lift If you or someone you know is struggling with transport, please text 07845298047 with "I need transport" at least 24 hours before the event   

LASSN’s Annual General Meeting and Celebration: 3rd October 2019

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2020-01-30T12:53:49+00:0017th September, 2019|

This event has already happened, but we've left the post up, as a reminder of what we've done. This year our AGM is a strictly ticketed event, and will be held from 6pm - 8pm  on 3rd October 2019 at Sinai Synaogue, Roman Avenue, Leeds LS8 2AN. [Link to Google map]. Please see the Agenda and Papers below The AGM will be a bit more "business" oriented this year - and less of a party - because we are holding a big party in November to celebrate LASSN's 20th anniversary. Please note: you will not be able the AGM this year unless you have confirmed that you are coming in advance. The Synagogue have requested we do this as a security measure, following concerns around recent increases in religiously motivated hate crimes.  

LASSN are moving to new offices on 2nd August 2019

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2019-07-12T11:30:13+01:0012th July, 2019|

As of August 5th 2019 our new address will be Malmarc House, 116 Dewsbury Road, Leeds LS11 6XD We'll be shutting the office for a couple of days on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd, and then reopening on Monday August 5th. If you need to contact us urgently during this time, please email us or call our mobiles  Oak House is being sold by the Landlord who is ending all the tenancies of organisations based there. We really hoped we'd be there for at least another couple of years, but such is the life of a small org who rents cheapish property. We'll be sad to leave - but on the plus side our mates at City of Sanctuary and Asylum Matters are also moving with us. What is Malmarc House like? Grade 2 listed building Accessible ground floor offices Shared meeting and training spaces off the main lobby WiFi On a main Bus route in/out of town Loads of free parking nearby Malmarc House, on the corner of Hunslet Hall Road and Dewsbury Road Our bit is in the Old Library The entrance lobby is still in tact Will LASSN's telephone number stay the same? Yes. But it will defnitely be out of action on 1st and 2nd August 2019, so please use the mobiles. Parking/how do I get there? We don't have a dedicated car park space any more but the good news is there's loads of on street and free car parking nearby (marked in orange). I use a bus, or a bike The buses from town are every 5 minutes - Numbers 1/2/3 Ask to be dropped off at Hunslet Hall Road/Dewsbury Road. You can use this planner to plan your journey [link]. You can lock your bike in the secure courtyard at the rear of the building.  

Can you help LASSN live up to our vision and values – and join our board as a Trustee?

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2019-06-04T08:00:30+01:0011th April, 2019|

LASSN is run by a small group of Trustees, who are there to make sure our work always reflects our vision and values, and is a well-run organisation. Some of our Trustees have experiencing of volunteering with LASSN, and some do not. Some have experience of seeking asylum or forced migration, and some do not. Some have been Trustees before and for some people it's all new. What matters most is that our Trustees reflects the interests and concerns of people involved with LASSN, and that our Trustees have the knowledge and experience to help guide and support our work. With their support we are able to achieve huge amounts - as detailed in our Annual Report and Accounts, and Annual Review.  Every year or so, our Trustees review the knowledge and experience of existing Trustees and work out where we might have gaps, or areas we want to strengthen. The last time Trustees did this (in March 2019) they decided LASSN should prioritise getting more Trustees who are people with experience of seeking refuge in the UK women (our Chair and our Deputy Chair are both women, but we want to recruit more) people with financial or accounting skills (our existing Treasurer is due to step down in Spring 2019) people who have experience of working in refugee or asylum focused projects Like all volunteer roles at LASSN we provide a comprehensive induction and ongoing support, and out of pocket expenses. If you are interested in finding out more about the role, please get in touch with [email protected] or call 0113 373 1759 If you are not an existing volunteer with LASSN, we also ask that you complete an online volunteer application form. When you do - someone will be in touch very soon to talk about next steps. Here's a description of the role - what's involved, and what kind of time commitment Trustees make Here's a description of the role of Treasurer If you are interested in finding out more about the role, please get in touch with [email protected] or call 0113 373 1759 If you are not an existing volunteer with LASSN, we also ask that you complete an online volunteer application form. When you do - someone will be in touch very soon to talk about next steps.

Friends of LASSN – Spring 2019

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2024-01-16T11:32:36+00:001st March, 2019|

A pinch a punch and white rabbits. Spring has arrived and so has our most recent Friends of LASSN newsletter, packed full of stories of hope and inspiration. Do let us know what you think of it.

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