
Barnardo’s support helplines for asylum seekers, Ukrainians and Hong Kong BNO https://helpline.barnardos.org.uk/

Barnardo’s Boloh Helpline is pleased to announce the expansion of our service to support the mental health and wellbeing of adult asylum seekers across the UK. This project is funded by the Home Office from September 2022 until 31st January 2025.

The Helpline offers advice, signposting, emotional support and 8 free sessions of therapy by qualified Barnardo’s therapists. These sessions can take place remotely via telephone or online.

Helpline advisors can provide a service in English, Arabic, Urdu, Punjabi, Mirpuri, Luganda, Ruyankole, Rukiga, Rutooro and Kinyarwanda.

The therapeutic sessions can be provided in the following languages including English, Gujarati, Urdu, Pashto, Bengali, French, Spanish, Arabic, Punjabi, Mirpuri, Pothwari, Hinko, Hindi and Sundhi.

Interpreters are used when this is required.

Translated posters available here.

The Helpline is open Monday – Friday (10am-8pm) and Saturday (10-3pm) via phone 0800 151 2605, webchat and email [email protected]


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