Bank Transfer

Bank Transfer

Whilst payments can be set up via CAF, it is easy and safe to donate directly from your bank — either a one-off payment or by setting up a standing order.

Our bank details
Account: Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network
Sort Code: 05-02-00
Account Number: 29921938



Gifts made through wills enable LASSN to provide support, even when financial times are tough. Gifts like this have helped LASSN to double the number of destitute people we support and house, and keep support projects going even when grant funding has ended.

If you’d like to talk with someone about how you can help LASSN through your will, please contact [email protected].



Do you prefer to donate by cheque? Please post it to our address and include your name and contact details so we can say thank you.

Our address
Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network
22/23 Blayds Yard

Gift Aid

Gift Aid

If you pay tax in the UK, you can add 25% to your donation to LASSN (at no extra cost) by signing a Gift Aid form.
Click here to find out more

Donating Goods

Donating Goods

We do not accept donations of clothes, food, baby equipment or laptops/phones – but our clients rely on the work of our partners who do.

Our partners welcome these donations to benefit asylum seekers and refugees in Leeds