Skilled for Health – Finding a GP
Role plays and key vocabulary around finding a GP in the UK. Also part of a whole topic on GP and Local Primary Services on the Reaching People - Health Resources website.
Role plays and key vocabulary around finding a GP in the UK. Also part of a whole topic on GP and Local Primary Services on the Reaching People - Health Resources website.
A library of ESL readers for a wide variety of learners.
A resource with many tasks to help you improve your writing and also to receive feedback to help reach the next level. Very useful for higher level learners.
Expired assessment papers are a fantastic tool to use to prepare your learners for their upcoming assessments. Assist your learner in preparing for ESOL assessments by helping them become familiar with the exams.
Lots of activities to prepare for a medical emergency. Part of a whole topic 'What to do in an Emergency' on the Reaching People - Health Resources website.
A brilliant set of resources called Skilled for Health by Reaching People. The website covers the following topics- Healthy Food and Drink, Physical Activity, Smoking, Alcohol, Mental Well Being, Oral Health, Staying Safe, What to do in an Emergency, NHS Support, GP and Local Primary Care Services, Making Decisions about Your Health and Looking After Yourself.
A work book from SQA all around Health. It covers many topics, such as making a GP appointment and parts of the body. There are worksheets to accompany each topic.
A mix of beautiful, intriguing and thought provoking photos from The Guardian. These images can be a great conversation starter for lessons.
A massive range of topical news stories, all with a video and transcript. The same story is available for learners with different levels with a wide range of activities on each story for reading, writing, spelling and grammar.