Prepositions on the High Street (Links to a Zip file)
Clicking this resource will download a zip file containing the lesson plan and a worksheet. A lesson to practise using simple prepositions to describe where places are on a typical high street.
Clicking this resource will download a zip file containing the lesson plan and a worksheet. A lesson to practise using simple prepositions to describe where places are on a typical high street.
A useful resource to practise using prepositions of place and also giving directions.
A work book created by SQA with numerous activities and resources about the house, home and local area.
Clicking this resource will download a zip file containing the lesson plan, worksheet and video link for the lesson. A British Council lesson describing a typical British neighbourhood and based on a video called My Neighbours. Includes a printable lesson plan and various exercises to practise all four skills with emphasis on vocabulary and the present simple tense. The video alone is available separately on YouTube.
Clicking this resource will download a zip file containing the lesson plan, worksheet and link to a video for the lesson. A British Council lesson based on a video called My Friends in the UK. Includes printable exercises to learn the four countries of the UK and nationalities.
Comprehension exercise featuring a letter of complaint to a local councillor.