News in Levels
A great website for more advanced learners. This site has numerous news articles and uses engaging stories, both written and videos, to teach new vocabulary, check comprehension and improve reading and writing skills. It also has links to improving grammar as well as a joke section!

If you are interested in using news and current affairs to teach, then News in Slow* is another great site to check out.

Breaking News English
A massive range of topical news stories, all with a video and transcript. The same story is available for learners with different levels with a wide range of activities on each story for reading, writing, spelling and grammar.

Easy News
A new issue of Easy News is released every few months. This has really important news broken into small segments, each with pictures to illustrate the points made.

The Guardian – Photos of the Day
A mix of beautiful, intriguing and thought-provoking photos from The Guardian. These images can be a great conversation starter for lessons.