
About Jon Beech

I joined LASSN as the Director in December 2013. I've a particular interest in mental health, ethnicity, and helping people make sense of their world and their community.

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Grace Hosting – an update for new volunteers

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2024-09-26T08:08:50+01:0011th September, 2015|

Many thanks to everyone who has contacted us to offer accommodation through our Grace Hosting Scheme. If you are offering to specifically house new refugee arrivals in the UK, you need to know that it is unlikely that the UK will be taking in any refugees direct from Europe. The Prime Minister has pledged to take 20,000 Syrian refugee (children) direct from refugee camps in the Middle East over a period of five years, and is relying on local authorities to find places for them. That may be with host families, but it will not be a quick process. The UK pledged to take 2,000 from those camps in 2013, and up to now we have only taken 216, so unless there is huge pressure on government to change policy, many offers of help will not be taken up. If you want to urge the government to do more, there are a number of good petitions being circulated. Hundreds of thousands have signed up already. You can find them on , 38 degrees and avaaz People who come to the UK and claim asylum (31,000 in total last year) are given accommodation while their case is being heard. That means that there is little opportunity to accommodate them in host families, except for some unaccompanied minors, who may be placed in foster families. If you are interested in doing that, please contact your local social services for information.  Home for Good is an excellent initiative working with churches to place children in families, including refugee children. LASSN Hosts offer accommodation to asylum seekers whose claims have been refused, and who have been made homeless and destitute in the UK*, and refugees (people who have had their asylum applications accepted) who have not yet been able to sort out accommodation for themselves If you think this is something you can help with, then please complete our online application form, and let us know if you can attend attend one of our breifing sessions on Thursday 24th September 6.30 – 7.30pm Tuesday 29th September 6.30 – 7.30pm Saturday 3rd October at 11.00 – 12.00pm The briefing sessions will be held at our offices in town – Ebor Court, Westgate, Leeds LS1 4ND. Here’s a link to a Google Map:  Please email Jo Carter, Grace Hosting Manager on [email protected] to book a place. *In the case of refused asylum seekers, our aim is usually to provide accommodation whilst they get help to apply for financial and/or housing support or putting in a fresh claim.

LASSN at your place?

Resource Information

2018-11-09T12:49:47+00:0010th September, 2015|

At LASSN we're tremendously grateful for all the support you give us, and we love to talk about what you help us to achieve. Why not invite us along to your school, or place of worship to explain a bit about what we do, and how we try to help Leeds to be a kinder, friendlier place? In July we visited Garforth School. We were invited to visit by long term supporter and sometime English at Home Coordinator, David Skivington. We went with Emily - a refugee from Zimbabwe - who shared her story with 250 pupils. Emily told a difficult story of persecution, trafficking and modern slavery to the whole of year ten, who then asked questions about her journey, and completed an exercise (based on this useful game about escaping from Syria) where they were asked to image making a dangerous journey from a war-torn country in an attempt to reach safety.    Get in touch with us by emailing [email protected] or by calling 07845 298 047 and let us share some our stories with people you know.

Keeping updated about what we do

Resource Information

2024-08-20T14:11:39+01:0010th September, 2015|

We hope you're enjoying new website, which was launched earlier this year. The idea was to make it clearer, and easier to find things.  We have (amongst other things) tried to make it easier for people to find out about LASSN, our work, and our achievements increase the number of online resources for volunteers, make it simpler to volunteer with us and to claim expenses As if this weren't enough, we also have a Facebook page - which also explores themes of asylum,migration in a slightly more informal way and a Twitter account - which draws together updates LASSN, our Facebook page, and articles we post on the Leeds MultiAgency Meeting website and finally - our multi-author blog with views and opinions of people in Leeds (and beyond) on issues around asylum and migration.

Our next themed social “Changes to Welfare Benefits”

Resource Information

2024-08-20T14:14:54+01:0010th September, 2015|

Our next themed social will be on Wednesday 11th November 5.30pm - 7.30pm at Ebor Court. With recent drastic reductions in support rates to families. and serious talk of removing some asylum support completely from families it's important to keep abreast of what help is available and how to access it. Universal Credit is also due to be rolled out in Leeds from December 2015. The resources we've produced for previous socials on Trafficking, Mental Health, and Advocacy will give you an idea of the quality of information we produce. If you'd like to come along, please email [email protected] so we can make sure there's enough food to go around.

Befriending Update – September 15

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2015-09-18T11:31:12+01:0010th September, 2015|

Pauline Cooke left in June of this year, after we were unable to secure replacement funding for her role as Volunteers Manager. The existing 40 matches between asylum seekers, refugees and their befrienders continue, supported by a small group of experienced befrienders. However, although demand for befriending support remains high, we have closed the service to new referrals, and to new volunteers. We continue to try and find replacement sources of funding for this work, and have produced a detailed evaluation of the work in conjunction with existing and former users of the services, volunteers and other services across the city. You can read the full report here - which we are using to support our funding proposals.  

English at Home – Annual Review 2015

Resource Information

2016-03-29T15:02:11+01:0010th September, 2015|

Catherine - the Volunteers Manager for English at Home has been working diligently to increase the numbers of people we can support to, and the results have been impressive. In her review of the last year, she describes a 25% increase in the number of hours tutoring offered to people who cannot attend english classes. As ESOL provision continues to shrink due to central government cuts, this work becomes more important than ever. Download a copy of her report here.

Leeds Changed for Good/AGM 2015

Resource Information

2018-11-09T13:55:24+00:0010th September, 2015|

Our Annual General Meeting will take place at 6.15pm (for a 6.30pm start) on Friday 9th October at Headingley Heart Cafe, Bennet Road, Headingley, LS6 3HN and will last about 30 minutes. The AGM will immediately be followed by a public event: Changed for Good - an evening of discussion and story-telling which is also LASSN's contribution to the Headingley Festival of Ideas.  Leeds has been home to many refugees over the years.The legacy left by different waves of migration is a thriving economy and rich cultural heritage - from Marks and Sparks to the longest running carnival in Europe. Leeds has not always been a place of welcome or sanctuary - and 46 years after the death of David Oluwale, many refugees still find life in Leeds cold, brutal, and dangerous. We invite you to come and listen, and to share your perspective on how refugees have changed Leeds, or how life as a refugee in Leeds has changed you. We will be joined by refugees, volunteers, activists, academics, politicians and local residents BOOK YOUR TICKETS HERE: Tickets are free, but they're also limited, so please book early.

LASSN in the News

Resource Information

2018-11-09T12:53:59+00:0010th September, 2015|

There's been a lot of interest in what we do over the last few days. We haven't always been able to say "yes" to requests from journalists, but we've done the best we can. Here's a feature from The Guardian on Tuesday 8th September, featuring Yoshiko and Jack, and Lois and Kirsty, talking about their experiences of Hosting.   And here's Ed Carlisle on BBC Radio Leeds talking about his experiences as a Grace host. Piece in the Guardian on "How do I offer a room in my house to a refugee..." 11th September 2015 Thanks to all our supporters and volunteers who've been willing to go on air, and the TV to talk about their experiences.  We don't have recordings/clippings for everyone, but please send them in if you find any more...

A guide to helping refugees and asylum seekers in Leeds and beyond

Resource Information

2018-11-09T12:31:22+00:0010th September, 2015|Tags: , |

There are many ways to help out, and we know volunteering with LASSN won't suit everyone. There will also be a public meeting 5.30pm - 7.30pm, Tuesday 15th September at the West Yorkshire Playhouse to get an update about what's happening in the City, meet other people who want to make a difference, and find out how you can play a part in what comes next. You don't have to sign up to anything on the night. Come along for all of it, a bit of it. It'll be nice to see you.

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