
About Jon Beech

I joined LASSN as the Director in December 2013. I've a particular interest in mental health, ethnicity, and helping people make sense of their world and their community.

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New Edition of One World Leeds

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2018-11-09T11:16:03+00:005th November, 2014|

The Winter 2014 Edition of One World Leeds is out - our first one since the launch of the website - featuring prize winning entries to the "Bringing the World to Leeds" Photo competition. It collects the very best articles from the website, including Are politicians scared to debate immigration? No Laughing Matter – LASSN and the Daily Mail Speaking Out in a Kingdom of Silence: Syria Missing my Friend From Leeds to Syria Reaching out to LGBTi Asylum seekers Taking Refugees to the Opera Is love a Human Right? Cross examined and intimidated As usual, copies of the magazine will be distributed across the City . Let us know if you would like copies of your school, church, work or shop

Everything you need to know about LASSN in 5 minutes

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2018-11-09T12:52:45+00:0010th September, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , |

If you're here, you probably already know something about LASSN. But here's a quick presentation (written for a presentation at Allerton Deanery Synod) that links what we do to the wider local, national and international context of people seeking refuge and asylum An Introduction to Leeds Asylum Seeker Support Network,September 2014 from Jon Beech

LASSN Director’s blog post at

Resource Information

2018-11-09T11:15:21+00:004th April, 2014|

  I've written a short blog at >, describing what happened after the Daily Mail approached LASSN, asking if we'd like to place an advertisement on their website. Be sure to leave a comment...  

Face to Face Support and Advice for Asylum Seekers in Leeds

Resource Information

2018-11-09T12:52:31+00:001st April, 2014|

Asylum advice in Leeds Following the closure of the Refugee Council office in Leeds, and the replacement online/phone support offered by Asylum Help, we have produced a simple guide to getting face to face support and advice in Leeds. We have also added an additional page explaining what callers can expect when calling Asylum Help's freephone number. For more information about what's happening in the Leeds Refugee and Asylum sector - go to the Migration Partnership website . Please note - Legal Advice on Asylum Claims can only be provided by OISC approved bodies.  

One World Leeds – Winter 2013 Edition

Resource Information

2018-11-09T11:49:07+00:0014th February, 2014|

  A slightly belated posting of One World Leeds Winter 2013 - produced by our Press Gang volunteers Challenging negative perceptions of refugees The new Immigration Bill - tip of the iceberg An asylum seeker is shattered but steadfast A journey into Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre English at Home - a formula for integration Inertia in Odyssey (a poem) Sports and leisure Be sure to find out more about Press Gang at their new home at

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