LASSN’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the place where Leeds Asylum Seekers Support Network reports to its members about the previous year, and elects new Trustees.
The way we run our AGMs is covered in our Memorandum and Articles of Association (pp 2-5).
The business of the preceding year is covered by reports from both
- the Chair (our Annual Review 22/23) and
- the Treasurer (our Annual Accounts 22/23)
After this, we will appoint next year’s auditors.
In addition, we will be asking LASSN members to vote on a proposal to convert LASSN from a charitable company to a charitable incorporated organisation or CIO. Please see the text on the right to find out why this is being proposed.
Click here to read the proposed constitution for LASSN as a CIO.
After counting and confirming this vote, we will then hold Trustee elections, and (depending on the outcome of the proposal) appoint either
- the first Board of the CIO (from existing Trustees), or
- new Trustees to the existing Board
Click here to read more about LASSN’s existing and proposed Trustees
This will conclude the business of the AGM.
You are then invited to stay for LASSN’s review of 2023, a hot lunch, and a chance to meet other members and supporters. The event will finish about 14:30.
Why change from a charity to a CIO?
- There are two types of CIO: an Association Model (where trustees are elected by other members of LASSN) or a Foundation Model (where unelected Trustees make all the decisions).
- LASSN trustees and staff believe the CIO (Association Model) has all the advantages of being a Charitable Company but requires less reporting and paperwork.
- A more detailed consideration of pros and cons was presented to LASSN Trustees in May 2023, when Trustees agreed to bring the proposal to our next AGM.
- The proposed CIO constitution is based on the Charity Commission’s recommended model constitution.
- There will be no changes to LASSN’s charitable objects, the number of Trustees or frequency of elections.
- We are proposing that membership of LASSN becomes free to anyone who agrees to support and promote LASSN’s mission and values.
- If members vote for this change, LASSN will follow the procedures for de-registering with Companies House.