
M&S is taking over the Debenhams store at White Rose shopping centre and has multiple job vacancies. Here is what their website says about refugees.

M&S Jobs for Refugees

M&S recognises the challenges refugees can face in getting a job, sometimes settling into a new job can also be hard. We are proud to welcome refugees here at M&S and to offer a wide range of vacancies to apply to across the UK.

We will ensure that all refugees in employment with M&S will receive additional support to settle into your roles as smoothly as possible. We have excellent wellbeing benefits such as PAM Assist for confidential mental health support, your manager can also pair you up with a buddy to help you when you start. Refugees joining M&S can receive some financial support with travel until your first pay and some M&S vouchers that can be put toward clothing or lunches in your first weeks.

If you hold refugee status and are looking for work, we warmly encourage you to review our vacancies and apply to roles that feel relevant to your experience.

Click here to search the roles available


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