Finding a Legal Aid Solicitor

Please use this link to find a Legal Aid Solicitor.

If you cannot find a Legal Aid Solicitor

The following slide was produced by our friends at Manuel Bravo who provide legal advice to people who are not able to get legal-aid funded help.

Self-help and other reference materials

This information should not be regarded as a substitute for good legal advice. However, these are all reputable sources of information which can be trusted

Refugee Action’s Guide to the Asylum process videos are an excellent place to start. They are also available in Arabic, Farsi, Kurdish (Sonari). Pashto, Portugese, Spanish, and Turkish.

Right to Remain Toolkit  – the simplest, most user-friendly guide to the asylum process we know of

Migrant Help  – The Resource section of their website contains fact-sheets and information including information on preparing for Home Office interviews and multi-lingual resources (including audio files)

Asylum Support Appeals ProjectProvides a comprehensive list of fact-sheets covering topics such as Section 95, Section 4, and pregnant asylum seekers

Immigration Law Practitioners Association (ILPA)  – On this page you will find the most recent Update and most recent Information Sheets provided by ILPA’s Information Service.  The Service provides information of interest in immigration, asylum and nationality law, policy and practice, and is designed for non-lawyers (although many lawyers also use the information).

UKBA Asylum SupportGuidance for UKBA staff – includes information on assessing destitution, family reunion, health care needs and pregnancy, asylum support and section 4

Page last checked Feb 1, 2024 @ 1:46 pm