Safeguarding at LASSN

Resource Information

2024-11-08T12:25:40+00:006th November, 2016|Tags: |

How LASSN tries to help everyone to remain safe and well when working or volunteering with us. Volunteering is a key part of how we reduce the risks in people's lives by increasing their connections, building confidence, and giving them choices. We're keen to support our volunteers' efforts with clear guidance and processes which support your work. Each year, we review our existing policies to ensure they are up-to-date and in line with best practice.  Here's a summary of how we do this We have a combined Safeguarding and Adults Policy (updated May 24) based on Local arrangements and good practice. We produce Staying Safe Summaries, which detail how we keep everyone safe in each of our projects: English at Home, Hosting and Houses, Welcome and Connect and all staff and volunteers are trained in these during their induction, and refreshed throughout their time at LASSN. We have a thorough recruitment and selection process for all paid Staff and Volunteers, which includes background checks and taking up references. You can find a detailed explanation of why we seek Basic Disclosures on staff and volunteers here. We have developed Volunteer Social Media Guidelines and a Volunteer Problem Solving Procedure to try and reduce the potential for online harm and to help volunteers know how we'll address any difficulties they may experience. Staff and trustees are pleased with these policies, which we hope will help keep LASSN a safe place to volunteer and reassure the people we support of our commitment to everyone's welfare and security. All of the documents referred to on this page can also be found in the Volunteer Information Pack.