So it’s the end of Lockdown?

Almost. From 17th May 2021, most of the UK experienced a relaxation in Lockdown restrictions – with Step 3 marking an end to restrictions for most outdoor activities (with fewer than 30 people) and the re-opening of indoor and outdoor hospitality.

What does this mean for LASSN volunteers?

It means that you and the person we’ve introduced you to have the chance to lawfully meet indoors, socially, for the first time since Autumn 2020.

So you’d like us to meet up with the person we know?

We’d definitely like you to talk with the person you know about how they are doing if they are getting out if they have met anyone yet. Conversations like this can be really helpful in broaching the issue indirectly or in a way where no one feels pressured. They also allow you to share as much as you feel comfortable with about your own experiences, and maybe something about

  • the massive number of vaccinations completed safely in Leeds,
  • the widespread experience of some irritating side-effects, and
  • the way that vaccine uptake has helped wider society to start opening up again

There’s no right or wrong conversation, just the conversation you have. You can find vaccine-related information here in a variety of languages

If and when you decide to meet up, please let your Volunteer Manager know, so we can talk you through stuff like PPE, the logistics of first meeting up, and to make sure the person you’re meeting with understands and is happy with your plans.

So why are you posting this? You’re saying what you said last time.

Pretty much. We want to be consistent in our advice to people to

  • Keep up to date with (and follow) the official advice and guidance from Government and Public Health
  • Make sure the person you support is getting the free monthly phone credit – offered by LASSN (previously as much as £20 a month, reducing to £15 a month in June, £10 in July and on an ad hoc basis from then)
  • Proceed with caution, especially if your actions/activities could increase the risk of infection for you and the people you support

And the Indian Variation?

Without getting hung up on why the UK C-19 variant is known as the “Kent” mutation, whereas overseas variants go by the name of the country in which they have first been detected – we will continue to see all sorts of new variants and outbreaks across the world, as the weeks and months go by. Our biggest challenge is learning together to live safely with Covid and weave good hygiene and infection control into our everyday lives.

So will LASSN start training/meeting up/doing socials again any time soon?

Right now, we’re mainly waiting to see how things pan out. You’ll see we’re trying a few activities face to face – Meet and Connect in the Park – a cycle ride by a canal, the football kickabouts. But we think it’s best to let people go at their own pace. Everyone is different. Some people will want to vaccinate, and others will not. Some will want to meet inside, others will prefer to keep masked up – outside. LASSN sees its role as kindly and gently helping everyone to explore and manage the risks of volunteering or being matched with a volunteer. These risks may change over time, as will the steps we use to manage them.

Thanks for bearing with us and for all the messages of support you have offered us through these troubling and testing times.

Yours,  Jon Beech, Director – and all the Volunteers Managers at LASSN

Ps We will continue to post guidance for volunteers relating to the Pandemic and its impact on volunteering with LASSN at each stage announced by GOV.UK and Public Health.